Jordanian Traditions


There are many different family tribes in Jordan, but there are also millions of refugees living here. Refugees are people that had to flee from their own country because of war or danger. Because there are millions of people in this city from other countries, there are many different traditions throughout Jordan.

What tradition did I learn about?:

I learned how to make and eat mansaf. I told you about mansaf before, but I will tell you more about the traditional way to eat it. Jordanians eat it by rolling it into a ball with their right hand. Each person has their own section of the dish so that they don't touch the other person's food.

Why does the community have this tradition?:

This food is usually eaten at weddings or funerals and even sometimes on big holidays. The food is meant to feed many, many people because large family celebrations are very important here.

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

The meat in mansaf is traditionally lamb, which is local to the area. Jordanians have been raising and shepherding sheep for thousands of years here.

Amman, Jordan