Puja: Private Prayer and Party!


Are you religious? If so, you probably do something like pray or go to church in order to talk to God. Religious people in India also like to talk to God. 

India is home to many different religions, so talking about them all would take forever. Instead, we will focus on just one major religion: Hinduism. Hinduism may look a little different than you are used to if you are Christian, Jewish or Muslim. The HIndu gods have names like Shiva, Vishnu and Krshna and are often shown as humans with multiple arms. Even though these characters look different, Hinduism helps people understand how the world began and how to be a good person, just like any other religion does. 

What tradition did I learn about?:

Just like you might pray to God, Hindus (followers of Hinduism) also worship. This worship is called puja. Puja means doing something - big or small - for a god. At home, some people have shrines they pray to and place small offerings on. Other people might go to a temple to visit a god, just like you might go to church. Sometimes, there are big festivals that focus on a god, in the same way that Christmas and Easter both focus on Jesus. 

Why does the community have this tradition?:

Puja is all about giving thanks to a god.
