Rain, Rain, and More Rain!

What parts of this environment help people to live here?:

There are three large cities in the of Asturias. The rest of the land is dedicated to natural areas, farms, and small towns. The people that live in these small towns rely on farming to support themselves and their families. The lack of cities gives them the space these people need to grow crops and take care of their livestock. The rainy season is very important for these farmers because it rejuvenates the soil that they use to farm, and it provides lots of fresh green grass for their livestock to eat. This is the reason that Asturias is known for producing some of the best milk and beef in Spain.

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

Although the rain is great for the environment and the farmers, it is a little inconvenient for everyday life! In the cities, people usually walk from place to place. During the rainy season, people always have to be prepared and bring an umbrella and a rain jacket everywhere they go. This year, it has been uncharacteristically cold in the fall months. Because of this, the rain sometimes turns into hail or snow. It is very dangerous to walk or drive while it is hailing. If the hail is large enough, it can cause damage to your car; it could even break a window! It is also not safe to drive on the highways during heavy rain or snow. In the Aller Valley where I work, the highways are often shut down to avoid accidents and injuries. This means that sometimes the students cannot go to school and their parents cannot go to work!

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

People in the city always have a plan B in case it rains.
