Planes, Trains, Buses, and Cars!


Public transportation is very popular in Spain. Most people will walk to get around the city and take a bus or train to travel to another city. I am still trying to get used to this. In my home town in the United States, there is not a lot of public transport and the buildings are too spread out to allow you to walk with ease from place to place. Because of this, almost everyone uses a car to get where they need to go. I am still learning about the public transportation system here, but I am now at peace with the fact that I will not drive a car for the next eight months. I'm excited to learn something completely new!

How do people get around?:

Most people in Oviedo will walk to and from places around the city. If they are traveling a little bit further, they will take a bus. There are city buses that stay within the limits of Oviedo and buses that connect Oviedo with the pueblos around it. Another option is the train. The train is only available as a way of getting to other cities; and it runs a little bit slower than the buses. Unlike many other conversation assistants, I ride in a car almost every day. The teachers at my school placements have a carpool, or rueda, and they take turns driving each other to school. Almost every teacher at the school is part of the carpool.
