Concerns About Caste

What community need did I learn about?:

Discrimination by caste is a major problem in India, especially in rural places. Some people can't get jobs traditionally outside of their caste, marry someone in a different caste or even share a meal with someone of higher status. Many people want to change this and make everyone more equal. 

Why does the community have this need?:

Change is needed because people - especially lower-caste people - want to have more choices and opportunities. 

Is this need being met? How?:

The Indian government is doing some things to solve caste discrimination like saving places in colleges and jobs for low-caste people. The results of these programs are mixed. Better education and jobs means better lives for poorer people, but some higher-caste people get upset because they want those opportunities, too. Other people think the government should directly address discrimination rather than try and fix its effects. 

In all, caste discrimination is a very difficult problem to solve, but I hope people become more equal and free in India.

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Location Data:
POINT (77.2295097 28.612912)
