Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

Spanish is the main language here. Chilean Spanish is also notorious for being very difficult to understand. It is spoken very fast, with the endings of words blurred together or ignored. Chileans also use lots of slang that is unique to this country, making it very hard to learn the language. For example, Chileans add the word "Po" to everything which has no translation. Another favorite word is "Huevón" which can mean almost anything depending on the context it is used. This makes learning the language very difficult

What type of money is used here?:

The Chilean Peso is the currency here. The money is very colorful, compared to the U.S. dollar, and is worth less ($660 pesos is equal to one U.S. dollar). This does mean that I could actually become a millionaire here in Chile!  

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

A bottle of water costs around 1000 pesos, or $1.50 U.S. dollars. Most items cost about the same here in Chile as they do in the United States.  

What was the best meal this week?:

This week, Izzy and I have mainly been cooking food at the house, so have not had any super special Chilean meals. I think the best meal we had was last night when we made Phili Cheesesteaks. The veggies and meat here are very good since everything is produced locally.
