Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

We did not travel particularly far this week, just a couple miles up the coast. We are still trying to figure out the public transportation system, so we are not able to travel very far yet. 

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

Google Earth says that we have traveled about 7,000 miles from California to Valparaíso Chile. That is about a third of the way around the earth (the circumference). 

How did I get around this week?:

This week, I mainly used the public bus system to get around. The buses are called "micros" and are absolutely crazy in that there are thousands of them going every direction. They also go insanely fast and are constantly plunging in and out of traffic. You catch a micro by just rasing your hand and then holding on as they blast at full speed around the city.  

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

The most interesting place I visited this week was probably my work. I work at the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria. It is a wonderful place and I have been working with a bunch of Chileans to do all kinds of amazing science. It is very interesting! 

Other Travel News from this week:

This weekend was the start of the Mapuche new year.
