The Festival of Saint Martin

Why does the community have this tradition?:

Saint Martin died on November 8th, but he was buried on November 11th in the year 397. In life, Martin was a soldier, but his funeral day marks the end of the harvest season for countries all around the world. After this day, the weather begins to get colder and the people start to prepare for winter. In Aller, This marks the day when pigs are slaughtered for food. The meat of the pigs is used in many of the traditional dishes that are eaten on this day and on many other days as well. There are lots of farms in the area, and many of them honor the tradition of slaughtering pigs on this day. 

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

All of the traditional foods that are eaten during this festival are homemade by the citizens of the town using ingredients that are grown locally. One of the most popular foods is a soup called fabada. The beans that are used in the soup are grown in the town. There is also a lot of meat in fabada and that meat comes from the pigs and cows that are raised by the citizens, as well. 

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