Koalas Eat Gum Trees

Trees usually have a single trunk, but some eucalypts are mallees, which means that they are multistemmed from the ground upwards but generally do not grow beyond 10 meters (33 feet). An interesting fact is that certain types of eucalyptus are amongst the tallest trees in the world, with some growing over 300 feet!

How did I feel when I saw it?:

When I first saw the Blue Mountains I was amazed at their beauty and the vastness of the area. I was able to smell the eucalyptus trees long before I saw them with their refreshing but soothing forest smell that reminded me of a minty herbal tea. I was awestruck when I finally stood amongst the trees and looked up to see them towering over me. The combination of the smell and lushness made for an unforgettable experience.

Where does it live?:

The majority of the different types of eucalyptus in the world are native to Australia and can be found all over this country. However, the greatest number and variety of trees can be found in the Blue Mountains.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

About three-quarters of Australian forests are eucalypt forests. Wildfires are pretty common in Australia, and amazingly, many eucalypt species have adapted to fire. They are able to resprout after fire or have seeds that can survive the high heat of forest fires.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Eucalypts are protected under Australian conservation laws. However, a growing threat to the species is human-caused climate change, which can cause large variations in temperature. The trees are not well-adapted to withstand severe cold when temperatures are below 23F (-5C).
