Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

For the most part I just traveled from home to work. It's not too far, as I usually walk home from work.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

For this answer, you might need to look up the Philippines on Google Maps. I have been here for four and a half months, so I've had a chance to travel around the country. On your map, look for Subic, Vigan, Baler, Coron and Cebu. Those are the main places I have visited so far. Overall, I think I've traveled about 3,032 km, or 1,263 miles.

How did I get around this week?:

I traveled using trikes and my feet this week. In the mornings, I usually take a trike to work and then I walk home from work. A trike is basically a motorcycle with a side car.

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

I visited a church that had been buried by a lahar. Lahar is an Indonesian word which,  according to some research that I did, "describes a hot or cold mixture of water and rock fragments that flows down the slopes of a volcano." The church is buried under 30 feet of mud and ash. You can still go inside -- you just have to use the windows instead of doors!

Other Travel News from this week:

I have been planning trips to travel farther than just to home and towork, so stay tuned for those!
