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Listening to music in the language you're learning is fantastic practice. Samples:

-"Juice" by Lizzo

-"Culpa, Tengo" by Elsa Y Elmar

-"Eterna Soledad" by Los Enanitos Verdes

-"Uruguay, Uruguay" by Leon Gieco

-"El Tesoro" by El Mato a una Policia Motorizado

What activity was the most fun this week?:

Making those homemade pizzas with warm spirits a mi alrededor, around me.

What did I read this week?:

I've been reading, or stories, from Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano. A quotation from a story I read recently: "El dormilón no duerme, el tragón no come". The sleepyhead doesn't sleep, the glutton doesn't eat.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

Uh... I'm not much for organized sports, but I dance and do yoga almost every day. And as I write in my bio, I also love to walk!
