Pancakes, Kasha and KFC


In my travels here, I have tried plenty of different kinds of food. I came here with the goal of trying just about every Russian dish there is because they all sound so good! Russian food is quite different than that in the United States, even if it seems fairly recognizable. Most meals include meat such as chicken or beef, and they also include traditional dishes that almost every Russian knows. Some examples include kasha (basically the same as oatmeal), blini (pancakes), and borscht, which is a kind of soup.

What food did I try?:

The first food that I wanted to try here is the most famous Russian/Eastern European food just about anybody can think of, borscht. It is a soup made from beets, water, some spices and sour cream. Now before you think that doesn't sound good, I thought the same and it looked kind of  different, but I ended up loving it. It tastes kind of like beans but a bit more sweet, and the sour cream makes it so good. Plus, the sour cream here is probably the best thing I have ever tasted! Back in America I liked sour cream on my potatoes and maybe some soups, but here it goes with everything. It doesn't taste anything like the sour cream back home. I love it with blini, which is what they call pancakes (though their pancakes are more like crepes), but I also eat it with just about every meal.
