My name is Ryleigh Moore and I am an applied mathematics Ph.D. student at the University of Utah. I was one of twenty graduate students from around the world invited to participate in MOSAiC school as part of the first leg of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition out of Tromsø, Norway aboard the Russian research vessel called Akademik Fedorov. I was the only mathematician, and one of three students from the United States participating in the school. During our voyage, I led the successful installation of three seasonal ice mass balance (SIMB3) buoys on ice floes in the Central Arctic.
The German icebreaker RV Polarstern endeavors to float in the Central Arctic for an entire year during the MOSAiC expedition from September 2019 to October 2020. Scientists on the Polarstern will be supported by numerous research vessels, aircraft and ground vehicles for resupplying food for the scientists and helping with data collection. During the first leg of MOSAiC, the Russian research vessel Akademik Fedorov journeyed with the Polarstern from Norway to the Central Arctic to start the expedition and setup the initial scientific equipment that will be used to collect data for the entire year.