Belgian Bees

The bee kept flying around me because of the food, so I was also a bit annoyed.

Where does it live?:

Honeybees live in colonies called hives which contain one queen bee, countless female worker bees and hundreds of male "drone" bees. Some types of bees spend their lives on their own, but bumblebees and honey bees live in colonies. Some researchers believe that bees originated in Central Africa, but more recent studies have found that bees actually originated in Asia. Bees typically like to live in forests, meadows, gardens and other areas with flowers. Some bees also like to build their hives in trees.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Honey bees in temperate climates, such as European honey bees, store larger amounts of honey than other species of bee because they need to maintain a certain temperature inside their hive (95 degrees Fahrenheit) to survive during winter. A temperate climate is like the climate we have in the northeastern United States, which has four seasons. Tropical bees like the African honey bee don't experience long winters, but all bees maintain a constant temperature of 90 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Honey bees make honey by eating pollen and the nectar collected from flowers. Bees are pollinators, which means that they spread pollen as they feed and help plants survive by fertilizing them.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is the phenomenon that occurs when a large number of bees disappear from a colony, in effect causing the hive to die because it doesn't produce enough honey to stay warm throughout the winter.
