The Alps: Switzerland's Source of Water

Isn't it neat that the glaciers provide fresh drinking water and also provide the main source of electricity for Swiss homes?

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

People living high up in the Alps probably face the most environmental challenges. Those living in remote towns at higher elevations must cope with harsher weather, particularly the snowfall and cold temperatures in the winter. They are also farther away from the amenities of the major towns and cities, and have to rely on winding mountain roads to travel. Despite this, some Swiss mountain dwellers do commute daily into the cities for work.

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

My host family explained that while it can be challenging to live in the Swiss Alps, many have adapted throughout the years. For example, there are many small towns in the mountains that have basic stores and smaller restaurants and shops for families living there so that they don't have to always travel to bigger towns for everyday staples.  Also, many people farm, especially in the Alps! Farmers grow their own foods and have cows that provide milk for their own families and for sale as well.

As a country, Switzerland works hard to make sure that the environment and water supply is kept as clean as possible. Switzerland is known to be one of the most environmentally friendly European countries. Over half of the Swiss people recycle, which is one of the highest rates in all of Europe. Anywhere I've visited, from stores, train stations to workplaces, you can easily find special bins for separating waste.
