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What main languages are spoken here?:

About 95% of the population of Germany speaks German. However, there are many different types of German! People in different parts of the country speak their own “dialect.”  Speaking a dialect is kind of like having an accent. I’ll give you an example. I live in a part of Germany called Bavaria. Bavaria is a state in Germany, just like New York is a state in the USA. Some people in Bavaria speak the Bavarian dialect. They use completely different words than other Germans! For example, instead of saying “Guten Tag” to say hello, people here say “Servus.” 

What type of money is used here?:

The type of money used here is called the euro. Nineteen different countries in Europe use the euro together. That means that you can pay using euros in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and fourteen other countries. Even though all the countries share the euro, each country gets to make its own version of the euro with a special symbol on it. The euro coins made in Germany have an eagle on the back. The eagle is a traditional symbol of Germany.  

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

A bottle of water costs about 1.77 euros. That’s about two U.S. dollars. Prices are higher in big cities like Munich and lower in more rural places.
