Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

There are so many languages spoken in Varanasi, but one of the most common is Hindustani. It's a mix of formal Hindi and another South Asian language related to Arabic: Urdu.

What type of money is used here?:

The Indian Rupee is used in both Varanasi and Delhi.

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

A big bottle of water costs only 25 rupees (35 cents!). 

What was the best meal this week?:

When I lived with my host family in 2017, my host mom would make amazing murgi biriyani (chicken fried rice) every Sunday. I was so happy to have it again when I saw my host-family again! This dish is very spicy and contains lots of onions. I'll have to make it for myself when I get back to Delhi!

What music did I listen to this week?:

I've been loving the Bollywood song "Chahun Main Ya Naa" (Should I Want or Not) by Palak Muchhal and Arijit Singh. 

What activity was the most fun this week?:

I loved gossipping with my host sister Rashmi. She is only a few years older than me, so we can talk about anything. We also like to be a little mischievous. For instance, this week, we convinced Rashmi's brother Rahul to drive us on his motorcycle to the ice cream store every night!
