Watch Out for Jellyfish!

Jellyfish can't swim, so they float along with the tide.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

As I said before, they can't swim. Their translucent color and their painful sting protect them from predators. They sting everything that they touch.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Last year, there were so many jellyfish washing up on the shores that people were calling it a "Jellyfish Apocalypse." The amount of jellyfish each year depends on the dryness of the winter, so I'm hoping that this year won't be as bad. There was an initiative set up here called "Spot the Jellyfish" where there are signs with pictures of different jellyfish for the public to use in order to identify which ones they see. Scientists use the information they gather from the public via email or a local Facebook page to learn more about them and their habits.

