What It's Like to Be a Kid in Australia

My favourite subjects are English and Science because I enjoy writing, reading and doing experiments. My least favourite subject is HPE. Most students enjoy it but I find it boring and I prefer to be sitting down reading a book.

What is your homework like?:

We have homework online and in our book. Each student is provided with a Macbook Air laptop. We have math tasks, spelling tasks and reading. We do spelling and maths in our homework books and we write down what we read on our laptops. Microsoft OneNote and Teams software is how our teacher hands out and marks our homework. We access different websites such as Literacy Planets and Mathletics to help us practice and improve our literacy and math skills. I find our homework easy so I received extension tasks or homework from my teacher.

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

After school I have dance and music. I do technical and demi-pointe ballet every Monday and lyrical/contemporary, ballet and jazz dance every Wednesday. I play three instruments: the guitar, piano and clarinet. I play the clarinet in the morning for our school senior band and the guitar and piano after school. Once I’ve finished my homework I normally read a book. My favourite sport is dance. Besides dance I really don’t like playing any sport, especially the ones that involve running. I used to do swimming for four years on a weekly basis but decided to stop.

Who is your favorite famous person?:

I don’t have a favourite famous person because I watch a lot of movies and shows and listen to a lot of music. My favourite musicians/singers are probably Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish.
