What It's Like to Be a Kid in Australia

I am old enough to go to school by myself but it is quicker to be dropped off. Walking to school would take around 40 minutes, while driving takes 10 minutes. Most students in my grade walk or take public transport. Next to our school is a train station and there is also a public bus which stops at the school. Most students would either walk to the train station or wait for the bus and use their Go-Card to pay the fare. Many students live in houses in front of the school.

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

We eat lunch on the floor in front of our classrooms. Each grade shares an eating area. In my grade’s eating area we have one bin, one sink, two bubblers (drinking fountain) and one table. Everyone tries to rush out of the classroom to be able to sit at the table. My favourite food is Japanese food like chicken karaage (Japanese-style fried chicken), sushi and ramen noodles.

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

English, just like in America!

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

Common names in my school are Lucas, Madison, Charlotte and Sebastian. In my grade we have four people called Lucas, as well as two each called Madison, Charlotte and Sebastian. I think Lucas is the most popular name in our school. We also have four sets of twins in our year level.

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

The subjects in my school are: English, Math, Science, Religion, Mandarin Chinese, Music, HPE (Health and Physical Education), Art, HASS (History And Social Sciences) and Health.
