Life in Cameroon

I share a room with my brothers and sisters, my parents have a room and we share the main room for eating and talking. We have a nice couch in our house and many photographs of our family.

What chores do you have at home?:

In the morning, I clean the breakfast dishes and take out the trash before I leave for school. When I get home, I watch my siblings and sweep the house. It is a lot of work in the dry season when the dust is everywhere. At night, I clean up the dishes but sometimes my younger sister will do it for me. 

What jobs do your parents have?:

My mother is a school teacher and my father works at the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife. I don't always like school but my mother tells me that it is very important to get an education. My father is very busy at work and often travels to the west region for his job. He helps make sure that the logging in Cameroon is not corrupt because that is a big problem in our country. 

What time does school start, and what time do you go home?:

School starts at 8 a.m. but everyone usually gets there at 7 a.m. so we can talk and play games. We have a break at noon and then depart school at 3 p.m. Sometimes, if traffic is bad, it can take a long time to get home.

How do you get to school? Are you allowed to go to school by yourself?:

I walk or take a taxi by myself. Most days, I meet my friends and walk. I will go to the market by myself and many kids travel alone to school. Everyone in my neighborhood knows me and it is safe.

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

There is a food vendor outside of the school that sells snacks for lunch.
