The Dead Sea, Jordan's saltiest place


"The Dead Sea." What does that name even MEAN, anyway? Well, I wanted to learn more, so I visited this fascinating place two times this past fall. Both of these visits taught me about the local environment, water issues and the benefits which Jordan derives from this body of salt water. Let's figure it out together!

What makes this environment special or different?:

The Dead Sea benefits from what is in it and where it is located! Well, starting with what, the first thing to understand is that the Dead Sea is a body of water containing a LOT of salt! In fact, there is so much salt in the Dead Sea that no fishes or sea life can live in it. That's why it is called the Dead Sea! There is so much salt that it even forms little rocks of salt on the banks of the lake. When you swim in the Dead Sea, you will see little salt pieces on your skin as you dry!

As for where it is located, the Dead Sea is 1,412 feet below sea level. That means that it is the lowest place in the world! 

What parts of this environment help people to live here?:

Dead Sea salt is very good for your body.
