Local Dishes

Kelewele is simply fried plantains mixed with special spices.

Waakye is a mixture of black-eyed peas, white rice and mild spices. Gari is made from cassava, a vegetable that looks like a large yam. It is used as a garnish on a wide range of dishes, but it is most popularly paired with waakye or red-red.

Red-red is made from stewed black-eyed peas mixed with red palm oil and topped with fried plantains. The dish is topped with gari which soaks up some of the stew's liquid to make it into a more paste-like dish, similar to refried beans

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Yes, the foods are connected to the local environment. They are made from ingredients that are grown at nearby farms. Also, the food is heavily spiced in order to keep people’s guts clean and healthy. Culturally, these meals are meant to be eaten with friends around a table, so they are rarely eaten on the go.

Accra Ghana
