Bunun Ear-Shooting

The significance of a boy shooting the ear of the pig is to prove that it has the skills to be an expert hunter and provide for his family. While the main point of the festival is about boys becoming men, that doesn't mean other people don't have important roles. Men, women and children all do their part, by cooking a huge traditional feast, performing aboriginal dances, and much more. 

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

At first glance, to the average American, it may seem strange that the festival involves killing a pig. However, it is about more than that. Besides celebrating becoming a man, this festival is about appreciating and respecting nature and all living things. It reminds the tribe and teaches the young how important nature is. A prayer is said before and after each hunt as well as before cooking whatever is caught for the day.  The festival emphasizes appreciating the food that is about to be provided for families. 

