Trash Collection in Nepal

Villagers have no way to get rid of it, other than carrying it out many miles or burning it. The trash on the trekking routes is not only bad for the environment, but it also makes the trails look unsightly.

Why does the community have this need?:

In the United States, we put trash in trash cans, and then a garbage truck will pick it up on a regular schedule. In much of Nepal, that garbage truck does not come by people's homes because there is no road access to their house. If trash isn't collected, then people will burn their trash. Burning trash is harmful for the environment and for people’s health. When trash is burned, it releases pollutants into the air, which can make people sick when they breathe it in. Even if trash is not burned, it can still harm people and animals. According to Rising Nepal, a local newspaper, one-quarter of fish are found to have plastic in their bellies, and over 80% of tap water has plastic in it.

Is this need being met? How?:

In the United States, we put trash in trash cans, and then a garbage truck will pick it up on a regular schedule. In much of Nepal, that garbage truck does not come by people's homes because there is no road access to their house. If trash isn't collected, then people will burn their trash. Burning trash is harmful for the environment and for people’s health. When trash is burned, it releases pollutants into the air, which can make people sick when they breathe it in. Even if trash is not burned, it can still harm people and animals. According to Rising Nepal, a local newspaper, one-quarter of fish are found to have plastic in their bellies, and over 80% of tap water has plastic in it.

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