Water Shortage in Malacca, Malaysia


Since moving to Malacca a few weeks ago, I've enjoyed the rich vegetation of bright green plants, beautifully colored flowers, and the quiet lifestyle of my routine living in a small town. However, my small town within the state of Malacca, much like the rest of Malaysia, relies on rainfall as its main water source. All our homes and the school where I'm working have running water, but it will shut off if we face a shortage.

What community need did I learn about?:

Within a few days of working at the school, I learned the city would potentially turn off all water on certain days of the week to conserve the water that we have. For example, a friend told me to prepare for no water in our homes on Wednesday and Friday of next week. Have you ever had to prepare for that in the U.S.?

Why does the community have this need?:

The community hasn't gotten as much rain in the past few months as they typically do. There are two seasons in Malaysia: sun and rain. Rain is sometimes called monsoon season. When the rain doesn't come during monsoon season, residents of that area are impacted.

Is this need being met? How?:

To prepare for too little water, most homes have big buckets that they'll fill with water. This water will be used to shower, wash dishes, cook and clean.
