Community Is the Sky We Create

It is sometimes said that there is power in community but strength in diversity. Perhaps unexpectedly, I have been able to meet many different people with whom I feel comfortable spending time with, studying with and generally experiencing life in Sydney together with. I also have a Citi Local Host mentor named Ben, who has been invaluable in showing me around and helping me to develop a better understanding of Sydney life.

There are certainly times when I have struggled to understand "Aussie" culture, but I have always tried to learn and understand the culture, including the culture of other international students. Overall, I think it's true to say that through my experiences with food and music I have generally been able to fill these cultural gaps. Having been here for a few months, I have now actively taken the decision to seek out and relate to other communities that are different from mine. But perhaps the most meaningful interactions I have had have been with the Aborginal communitiy, where I have been able to meaningfully engage using the various channels available through my college.

Embracing a culture that's different than what you're used to is especially challenging. But what I've learned is that experiencing these challenges is something that we should all cherish and embrace.
