Interview with Mongolian 5th Graders


I interviewed two fifth-graders, Nandinjargal “Nandia” and Tsetsenbileg “Yanjka.” They are both 11 years old and gave great accounts of what their daily life looks like. 

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?:

Breakfast - Yanjka: “For breakfast, I eat two eggs with bread, and usually I have water or milk to drink.”

Lunch - Nandia: “For lunch, there’s almost always soup, potato and flour and mutton soup. Sometimes I eat it with bread.”

Dinner – Nandia: “My family has all sorts of things for dinner!”

Yanjka: “Yeah, like tsuivan (stirfry noodles, meat and vegetables), rice soup, spaghetti, pizza, buuz (meat dumplings) and fried rice. But my favorite is mini-dumpling soup.”

What is your house like?:

Nandia and Yanjka both live in apartments near the center of town with their families. While they have plenty of room, even in Mongolia, kids have to share a room with their siblings sometimes! Nandia’s family has seven people: her mom, dad, two older sisters and two younger sisters. Yanjka’s family has six people: her mom, dad, one older sister, one older brother and one younger brother.

What chores do you have at home?:

In their families, they both help to clean the house, cook food and look after their younger siblings. 
