Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

This week the farthest I traveled is to Marseille. This is a city that is about thirty minutes away from me. Marseille has many beaches and is a larger city than Aix, so there is more to do.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

In my first few weeks I have been to a lot of places! I visited Avignon and Les Baux-de-Provence, to see the Pope's Palace and old city ruins. The view from the top of the castle was beautiful! I visited Arles to see the city that the famous artist, Vincent Van Gogh, lived. I even got to see a cafe that he painted in real life. Next, I went to Monaco, which is a tiny country where one out of three citizens is a millionaire! Then, I went to Ardèche to see cave paintings that are over 30,000 years old. Make sure that you think of some fun questions to ask me about these trips!

How did I get around this week?:

To get around in Aix, I walk a lot. My house is about a mile away from the middle of the city, or centre-ville, where my school is. So to get to school I walk but going home at the end of the day, I usually take the bus because I live at the top of a very steep hill. When I went to Marseille, I took a large bus to get there. Then we rode the metro, or the subway, and caught a bus to go to the beach. 
