Getting Around in Busy Beijing


There are many transportation options in Beijing since there are so many people who all have somewhere to be! While some people drive, it is more common for people to take the subway or bus. Public transportation here is very affordable. There are also many bikes available for use, and plenty of sidewalk space and pedestrian bridges for walking to where you need to go. 

How do people get around?:

Most people take the subway. Beijing has one of the busiest subway systems in the world. Almost 11 million people take it every day. There are 23 different subway lines! Each line has its own color and number. I live off of line 13 (yellow). How many subway lines are there where you live?

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

I felt overwhelmed! While the subway map is clear and it's easy to figure out where you need to go and how to get there, getting through the subway station often means having to keep up with the busy rush of people. 

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Things in China move very fast, and Beijing, in general, is an extra-fast paced city with a lot of modernization. New buildings are always going up and the city is quickly expanding outward. There are even more subway lines set to open in the next couple of months.
