What's it like to live with a host family?


This is the village where my host family's "dacha" is. A "dacha" is a summer house, located outside the city, where people can enjoy nature and grow their own fruits and veggies!
Driving in the village, I loved the scene in this picture! This is an example of what a Russian Orthodox church looks like. It's the most prominent religion in Russia.
This is the "dacha" itself! It's a pretty newly built house, but you can see the older, original part on the right, which is like a traditional Russian log cabin.
Isn't their garden beautiful?
I had a very unique opportunity to help my host family harvest potatoes! My clothes may look funny, but having all the layers helped me keep warm.
Our plentiful harvest! What kind of fruits or veggies would you grow at home if you could?
Meet Marshall, my host family's dog. He loves playing fetch in the lake near the "dacha"!
Now, onto the food! What's Russian food like? It's very homey and filling. Here is my host dad's homemade bread.This loaf was so good, especially dipped in soup!

