Stopping Silly Stereotypes

I have been in this country for two months, and I have not seen a single flash mob of Flamenco dancers. I also noticed that Spanish people enjoy their time with friends, so dinner can be a two-hour social event. Nonetheless, that does not make someone lazy! Spaniards work a lot, and most people do not have time to take daily siestas. During my time here, I have eaten a variety of Spanish dishes. I have had pisto, patatas bravas, but no paella. Just as in Cuba and the U.S.A., some people here love Flamenco. Some people enjoy taking siestas... and who doesn’t? Some people love paella and want to eat it all day, every day.

Even though we know these are not facts, why do people believe them? Well, because it is easier to assume something about a whole culture, rather than to learn about it. If you have questions about something, someone, or a culture, ask your teacher, your mom, dad, brothers or sisters. As citizens of the world, we can all help stop silly stereotypes. If we are the subject of a stereotype, we can teach others why it is not correct. If we see someone making a stereotype, we can explain why it is not kind to make those assumptions. Although we might make mistakes, we can learn from them. We just have to be open to look at different cultures, and people, through worldview glasses, instead of "your view" glasses.
