Sabbath at the School of Vision

The Rasta community is a self-sufficient community, meaning they grow their own food. So if they have planted many vegetables and fruits, I imagine they have planted these flowers and other beautiful flowers throughout the community. As soon as you enter the grounds, the pathways are lined with beautiful, purple-leaved plants called Joseph's Coat. The orange flowers are located by the temple, so in addition to being beautiful, they could also have a sacred purpose.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Everything at School of Vision is cultivated, so these plants are dependent on the care of the community. The climate high in the mountains is warm and humid all year long, so plants grow very quickly without needing much special care.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Like many beautiful, natural places around the world, Jamaica is always being developed at the expense of the environment. Thankfully, the School of Vision community is very respectful of their natural environment, and goes to great lengths to protect and conserve the living things around them. These beautiful flowers and plants are in good hands.

Kingston, Jamaica
