Nature News

Number of sunny days this week: 5
Number of cloudy days this week: 1
Number of rainy days this week: 1
Number of snowy days this week: 0
Number of windy days this week: 0
What is the air temperature right now in Fahrenheit?: 89
How was the weather this week?:

Throughout this week, the weather was consistently sunny with one rainy day. In the mornings, the temperature is usually around 60 degrees F when I am walking to class; it climbs into the 80s around mid-day when I am walking home for lunch. 

What animals did I see this week? :

On my hike on Friday, I saw a wild horse in the mountains that was roaming about. On Saturday, I saw a couple of vultures flying high in the sky.

What was the coolest thing I saw in nature this week?:

The coolest things I saw in nature this week were the views from the highest peaks along the Los Cahorros trail in the mountains outside of Granada. I could see all around me without anything blocking my sight. The mountains and valleys looked like scenes from a movie that takes place in the wild, like Jurassic Park.

Other Nature News from this week:

The average high temperature for each day is slowly decreasing as the winter months get closer.
