Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

Dutch is the main language that is spoken here. However, most people also speak English very well. This is very useful when I need to ask for directions!

What type of money is used here?:

They use Euros here, the symbol for euro is € unlike the U.S. dollar which is $. An interesting fact about European countries such as The Netherlands is that they use a comma (",") in place of a decimal (".") when writing numbers, and vice-versa. For example Americans write one thousand as "1,000" but the Dutch write it as "1.000" Similarly, Americans write "1.50" but the Dutch write "1,50".

This defintiely takes some getting used to at the store! The first time I saw that my groceries cost "30,44" I thought I accidentally bought three thousand euro worth of food!

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

One bottle of water costs one euro and 80 cents (€1,80)! How much do you think that is in U.S. dollars?

What was the best meal this week?:

The best meal I had this week was vegetable curry over rice! It's not a Dutch dish, but because Indonesia was a Dutch colony a long time ago, they have lots of delicious Indonesian food here. That's just one reason why it is important to learn about the history of a country because there are so many factors that contribute to it's culture and traditions.
