Hej-hej! (Bye-bye!)

Aarhus Denmark
56.162939000000, 10.203921000000
Journal Entry:

It's been so fun to share this journey with you all! Denmark is so unique and beautiful, and I hope you've learned a lot about this country. Most of the students are just starting their spring semester, but I am leaving this Thursday to go to Greenland. When I get there, I get to study the Arctic and work out on the sea ice. Polar bears are dangerous, but I'm still really hoping I get to see one. I've been selling things like my bike basket and my helmet, as well as my bed! All my friends are coming Wednesday to say goodbye to me before I leave. A lot of the friends I have made so far are biology students from all over the world. It will be sad to leave them, but I'm hoping that some of them will be able to come visit me in Greenland.

I am sad to not be able to share that part of my journey with you, but I can't wait to meet you all on Skpye! We have learned so much together over the past few weeks. I think my favorite thing about Denmark is the idea of "hygge". I will definitely come back to the U.S. remembering that whenever the weather is bad, it's a perfect time to cuddle up with my friends and family and play board games and drink hot cocoa. I also loved learning about The Laws of Jante, and I will take those back with me. One thing I will leave in Denmark is the winter bathing!
