Our News

Because of this, Western food saw a rise in popularity, and many new dishes became popular, including these cookies! 

What music did I listen to this week?:

Lately, I have been trying to get into more Japanese music! My favorite so far is an artist named Vaundy. His songs are upbeat and relaxing to listen to. 

What activity was the most fun this week?:

The most fun activity I had this week was editing videos for my company's YouTube channel! I love editing and all things video and film. These activities always fun for me. We are focusing on promoting small cities in Japan for the local Japanese governments so that people will want to visit them! 

What did I read this week?:

I don't really have much time to read these days, so I mostly just keep up with reading the local and world news. It may sound boring, but it's an important part of knowing how different (or similar) life can be around the world!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I recently started playing a video game called Valheim! It's a new game but it's gotten really popular quickly!

While in America our most popular games are battle royales or F.P.S. like Fortnite, in Japan, role-playing games such as Final Fantasy or Pokemon are the most popular!

Other news from this week:

Japan is preparing for the summer Olympics! Tokyo has been opening up many new businesses for it! Are all of you excited? Have you ever watched the Olympics before?
