Sur Moi (About Me)

While I knew I wanted to get out of Appomattox, I definitely did not see myself here, in France! Travel to Europe was a concept way beyond my imagination. College is expensive enough that studying abroad was out of the question, in my situtation. However, with a bit of persuasion, I sent in an application for a Gilman scholarship, anyway. After all, this decision wouldn't tie me to anything. The only place I applied to was Montpellier, France for a study abroad program in which all classes are taught in French. This was important to me: if I was going to study abroad, it would be to learn, not just for fun. A few months later, I got the letter saying I was accepted. As everyone had begun announcing their study abroad schools, I shrugged, keeping it a secret until I was positive of my own situation. A month after being accepted, I got an email from our Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship Mentor saying I qualified for the scholarship, and that's when I knew studying abroad wasn't just some crazy concept, anymore! I recieved the Gilman Scholarhip as well as another from my school, making this journey possible. Now, here I am, an ACHS graduate, writing to you from France! 
