Making tapioca!

Some fillings are very simple, like butter, bananas or cheese. Sometimes, the filling is made from more than one ingredient. My favorite is bananas with condensed milk and cinnamon, but I have also tried peanut butter. Many people put cheese and mortadela, a type of Italian lunchmeat, onto their tapioca. If you melt the cheese, it is especially tasty. Get ready for a delicious, filling meal!

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Do you remember the picture of the mandioca field from last week? Mandioca is one of the most important foods, or staples, in the Brazilian diet, especially in the northern states. However, people still grow and eat it all over Brazil. Many people eat tapioca here in the south because it is cheap, easy to make and healthier than white bread. It's amazing to see how many diverse, delicious ways people use mandioca, including in a tasty batch of tapioca.

Pato Branco Paraná Brazil
