Snacks, Desserts and Traditional Meals

The most unusual thing I have tasted is a dish predominantly eaten in rural villages.  The meal is essentially rice topped with a concoction of different diced meats and fish. Although this food looks and smells unique, to say the least, it does not taste bad. The diced meat essentially just adds an extra layer of saltiness and flavor to the rice. 

Another dish I have tried which is a Thai favorite is basil chicken topped with a fried egg. This dish is normally served in an extremely spicy fashion in terms of my taste buds but which is perfect for many Thai people. Thai people are normally fans of very spicy food and put many peppers and a lot of chili powder into their food. The spicy chicken basil dish is said to be the go-to dish for almost any Thai person after a period of traveling outside of the region.

Finally, one of the desserts that I have tried here that I have fallen in love with is mango sticky rice. Mango sticky rice is just sticky rice topped with diced mangos. The rice is bland, but the sweetness of the mango pulls out the flavor of the dessert.

How did I feel when I tried it?:

Initially, when I tried the rural diced meat dish, I was rather skeptical, because it does not look very appetizing and it has a fishy smell.  I still decided to give it a go. After tasting the food, I noticed it was not as bad as I initially thought it would be.

When trying the basil chicken, I was extremely eager because I was hungry but a bit scared because I am not a fan of spicy food. Although we ordered the food by asking for it mai pet, which means "not spicy" in Thai, the meal still came with a kick, so I could only imagine the spice of a pet maak basil chicken.
