Dinner with Thai Friends

What is your family like?:

Throughout my time interacting with Thai people, I have realized Thai family structures are very similar, no matter whether people live in urban or rural environments. In the majority of cases, most Thai people have two kids, three maximum. This is such a norm that when I tell my Thai friends how many siblings I have (seven on my father's side), they are completely astonished. In addition, Thai families are extremely close, and children are expected to take care of their parents until they pass away. This is very different to Western countries, where it's common to put your parent in a retirement home. In addition, Thai parents are very often extremely protective of their children. For example, many of my Thai friends have told me that their parents provide transportation well into their adulthood, just to ensure their safety.

How do you get around?:

In most cases, cars and motorbikes are used to get around all throughout Thailand. In addition to this form of transportation, in city environments, there is often a form of public transportation, such as buses or underground subways, that people can use as an affordable commuting option.

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

Much of the clothing worn by Thai people is very similar to Western clothing. In this age of globalization, it is normal to see Thai people dressed in all the major brands worn by Western people. This is less true of more rural environments where there has been less global activity. Here, many people wear traditional clothing made by people within the vilage.
