Meet Hirwa, Age Nine!


Hirwa is my host father's nephew. I lived with him and his family for three months when I first arrived in Rwanda. 

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?:

Breakfast: Bread and porridge

Lunch: Rice and beans and sometimes plantains

Dinner: Plantains, noodles, beans or fish, and vegetables, usually green beans or carrots

What is your house like?:

We have a living room. I share my room with my cousin, Ethan. My uncle and auntie have a room, and we have another bedroom where my host sister, Bekah sleeps or when other people visit. Our kitchen is outside where my auntie cooks, and our latrine and shower rooms are outside, too. 

What chores do you have at home?:

I help fetch water, mop the house and collect firewood for cooking beans. I also clean my shoes and handwash my own clothes. 

What jobs do your parents have?:

My auntie is a seller. She has her own shop close to our house. She sells Fanta, vegetables, eggs, biscuits, candy, soap and other things. My uncle is the assistant principal at the school I go to. 

What time does school start, and what time do you go home?:

I go to school at 7:20a.m. Sometimes we have studies starting at 7:20, and other days studies start at 8:00a.m.
