School Lunch and Restaurant Food


We eat rice every day at TTC, along with a type of bean stew. The vegetables can change. Most days we have carrots with cabbage or a vegetable called dodo. It is kind of like spinach, but it tastes more like grass to me. On some special occassions, we also get fried potatoes, or ifiriti (ee-fee-ree-tee) in Kinyarwanda. They are like potato wedges but crispy like French fries!

I live in a district called Bugesera, and goats are a common animal here. Because goats are everywhere, they are raised for food and that means we eat them, too! Another common food to eat at restaurants is roasted or fried potatoes. They call fried potatoes "chips", but they are really just big French fries. 

What food did I try?:

School Lunch (SL): Rice with a bean, cabbage,and carrot stew on top.

Restaurant (R): Goat brochette and a roasted potato with onions. Brochette is meat cut into little pieces and then cooked on a wooden stick called a skewer. 

How did I feel when I tried it?:

SL: I felt fine! I enjoy the bean stew, especially when it has carrots and cabbage. Sometimes the rice or beans have small stones mixed in with them from when they are harvested, so you need to eat with caution. Always try to check for stones before you take a bite, because they can hurt your teeth. 

R: It was super declicious.
