Life on the Isle of Lewis


When you think of an island, what comes to mind? Is it tropical with palm trees and white sand beaches? Do you think of somewhere like Hawaii? I sat down with my flatmate, Jane, to learn about her life on the Isle of Lewis. The Isle of Lewis is nothing like a tropical island, and life there is very different from life in Edinburgh. Read on to see what I learned about Jane and her life on this Scottish island!

What is your full name?:

My name is Jane Katherine Davidson.

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

I live on the Isle of Lewis, which is one of the Western Isles of Scotland. It’s an island far north of Edinburgh. To get to Edinburgh, it’s either an hour-long flight, or I drive for five hours and take a two-hour ferry (a boat). I live in a bungalow (a one-story house) with my mom. It’s small but comfortable, and I really like my bedroom. Plus, its location is convenient. It’s in the main town, so I always walked to school in the mornings.

What is your family like?:

My mom’s name is Maryanne, and she works at the city council. We’re pretty close, and I speak Gaelic with her. Gaelic is a language spoken in the Scottish Highlands and the western islands. I also have a brother. His name is David Davidson. It sounds like a fake name! He’s 22, he lives in London and he’s a firefighter. 
