
I was able to take trips to the beaches of Khanom and to the island of Koh Samui. And I have made so many more amazing friends like teacher Anne and teacher Emily. 

As we end our time together, I hope you see that traveling is a beautiful opportunity. Living in another country, I have discovered so much about myself and others. I have learned that I enjoy living on my own, that there are beautiful things in adventure but also in routine, and that there are astoundingly generous and kind people all over the world. Being in Tha Sala, I have been able to learn about Buddhism in a way that is so unique to Thailand. I have been able to talk with so many students and learn about their lives and dreams. All of these experiences will stay with me for the rest of my life. It is not always easy to travel! It has been hard to be away from my friends and family, especially during Thanksgiving and Christmas. It can be confusing and expensive and exhausting! But it is always completely worth it. 

Thank you so much for joining me on my trip! I have enjoyed our communication and video calls so much! Have a wonderful school year and Merry Christmas! 

Yindee tee dai ruujak! (it was nice to meet you!)
