Football (Soccer) In Bath


Hi! I am so excited to share more of my journey with you!

This weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to watch a National League Bath City football game. In the United Kingdom, football is actually what we call soccer in the United States. The National League plays in a stadium that is very different from the ones we have in Florida. It is smaller and season pass holders are the only ones with seats. However, it is just as exciting as games in Florida. Everyone is excited and chanting for our team to win!!

Since I had this experience, I wanted to focus on the local football community and the role children play in it for this week's journal entry. 

What community need did I learn about?:

I learned about the interest children in the community have in playing football (soccer).

Why does the community have this need?:

Just like kids in Florida, kids in Bath want to join local sports teams and play their favorite sports with friends. In Bath, one of the most popular sports is football. Some kids are lucky enough to go to football stadiums with their parents and watch the Bath City team play. In these matches, kids are invited onto the field at the beginning of the match to meet the players and team mascot. They get to wave flags and cheer the team on from the sidelines.
