Different Perspectives City vs Country

Someone else had already cooked the cupcakes and my job was to help kids around your age put frosting and sprinkles and lots of different kinds of candies on the cupcakes. We were set up in a large gymnasium and in every corner volunteers had set up tables with face painting, pumpkin painting, and games. My husband was in change of a table set up for kids to throw darts at balloons and win small prizes. It was so much fun! 

I loved seeing how much fun all the kids were having. They didn't know that I grew up on a farm or that my idea of what a harvest festival should be was different from theirs. I felt like I was a kid again and I got to experience a fall harvest from a new perspective. I think any celebration with friends, family, and fun is always a good time. I am thankful that I got to experience a new way to celebrate fall. I hope that one day I can take some of my new friends to a farm so that I can share and celebrate the changing of seasons with them there too! 
