The Relationship Between Malaysian People and Their Environment

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

It's really hot here! As Malaysia is a majority Muslim country, Ramadan (a month of fasting in the Islamic faith) is observed widely across the nation. From what my fellow teachers and students who are fasting tell me, the stifling heat of Malaysia makes fasting difficult because Muslims are not supposed to drink water while the sun is up. Thus, the Malaysian climate is not ideal for this religious practice. In general, hydration in Malaysia is extremely important because of the intense heat. On exceptionally hot days, some students will not even attend school.

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

The people of Malaysia are very resilient. With the help of fans and air conditioning to alleviate the stifling heat, living here is made much easier. However, human intervention has contributed to the degradation of the beautiful Malaysian environment. In other words, as the economy of Malaysia grows, the environment of Malaysia withers. Like many other places in the world, including our home in America, deforestation, pollution and human consumption/waste are actively destroying our environment. Because of this, we must do more to protect it; with many small changes, we can make a big impact on our environment.

Kedah, Malaysia
