Festival of Music from the Pacific


One of the most amazing and marvelous qualities about Colombia is that it is home to many different cultures, all in the same country. While all are united by the shared pride of being Colombianos, there are different traditions and cultures in the different parts of the country. It’s like if you lived all your life in rural North Carolina then took your first trip to New York City. You’d be amazed at the differences! Colombians celebrate their different regional identities through annual festivals. Everyone is invited to either celebrate their identity if they’re part of that culture or learn about a different culture if they’re not. I had the privilege of sharing in the celebration of one Colombian region: the Afro-Colombian Pacific region!

What tradition did I learn about?:

I learned about the annual Festival de Música del Pacífico (Festival of Music from the Pacific), "Petronio Álvarez," named after the musician Petronio Alvarez. Most people just refer to it as Petronio. “You have to go to Petronio,” the locals told me when the festival was approaching. This tradition has taken place annually since 1996. The festival lasts about a week. This year it took place from August 14-19th.
