Colombian Cuisine

It comes from the words salchicha (sausage) and papa (potato) or, in this case, it really means french fries. It's a dish of french fries covered in different meats, usually including hot dogs. It's a really popular, quick meal here. You also can't talk about Colombian cuisine without talking about bread. Panaderias, or bakeries specializing in bread, are all over the place here. The classic Cali bread is pandebono. It's an amazing cheesy bread creation served with every meal.

Last but not least, there is Colombian hot chocolate. It's like regular hot chocolate... with cheese! Yep, they put blocks of mozzarella in the cup and eat it out with a spoon while drinking the hot chocolate. Trust me on this one. It's delicious.

How did I feel when I tried it?:

I felt absolutely blissful when I started trying all the different fruits here! On the one hand, they are fresh and delicious. On the other, they are really affordable here compared to where I live in North Carolina! Because more fruits are native to this climate, they don't need to be imported, which drives up the cost of fruit. An amazing variety of fruit for affordable prices? I knew I choose the right study abroad destination for me. Plantain on pizza gave me the same reassuring feeling. My friends and family make fun of me for liking pineapple on pizza, yet here in Colombia we put on even more unexpected toppings. Pizza here is commonly topped with beans and corn as well! Cheesy Colombian hot chocolate also made me feel like I belong. Any country that combines cheese and chocolate is a country for me.
